P6 (2025) –
The Concepts, Processes, and Skillsets (CPS) Course is now open for registration.
For Parents of P6 Students Taking the PSLE and Committed to Improving Their Math Grades… and Achieving Higher Marks at the Next Exam!
Discover the REAL Reason Why Your Child Is Always “Lost & Confused” with Math Problem Sums (Despite Their Best Efforts & All the Help Given)…
…And Learn the Fastest Formula to Ace PSLE Math and Boost Confidence by 2/3X at the Same Time!
4-Day Online CPS Problem Sums Course Details
Especially for P6s taking the PSLE in 2025 –
(You can choose the next module or get all 3 with a greater discount for better PSLE results)
Module 1 – November P5 CPS to prepare for P6 WA1 – 26th – 29th November 2024 (Tue-Fri, 4 Days) Time: 1 pm – 4 pm
Module 2 – March CPS to prepare for SA1 – 18th – 21st March 2025 (Tue-Fri, 4 Days) Time: 1 pm – 4 pm
Module 3 – June CPS to prepare for Prelim – 17th – 20th June 2025 (Tue-Fri, 4 Days) Time: 1 pm – 4 pm
Module 4 – September CPS to prepare for PSLE – 9th – 12th September 2025 (Tue-Fri, 4 Days) Time: 1 pm – 4 pm
Venue: Your home! (Join online CPS sessions from the safety of your home!)
Trainer: Coach John (along with co-trainer Coach Willy)
Class Size: My team and I have designed this course to be accessible to as many students as possible and to level the playing field, ensuring that every student has an affordable, effective starting point that delivers results.
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“My child’s grade went from AL 6 to AL 1 after joining Coach John’s CPS workshop.
Thank you Coach John”
* * *
Other Bonuses In Your CPS Quick Starter Kit;
1 X CPS Digital Workbook (worth $38)
1 X 2-hour PSLE Trend Recording (Value at $197)
Replay Videos of the CPS You Have Attended
So You Can Watch Them Again and Again (Valued at Over $250)
Total Value – Over $480!
Sign Up Now -> I WANT TO
I’m glad I enrolled my girl with LOB.
With just 8 weeks to PSLE, LOB had help my girl improve her grade from a low B (AL5) to A* (AL1) in her PSLE.
LOB not only cleared her doubts but also encouraged her during the 8 lessons.
Thank you LOB.
Previously she cannot score in paper 2 but can do quite well for paper 1.
Her recent Prelim was 75!
She is very happy and couldn’t believe it too.
After the CPS, she can solve problem sum (especially units and parts) faster and more easily. Much easier to understand and apply, compared to what her tuition teacher was teaching.
Now, she can also identify problem sum type better.
Previously I was very worried. In fact, we travelled all the way from Bukit Panjang to Ang Mo Kio for John’s CPS course.
Now I know it is the way we tackle the problem sums with the effective methods. Everything seems so easy with LOB methods.
John’s team had really made thing works!
100% of our students who attended our workshops showed improvement right after day 2.

Along with their learning attitude and mindset.

Check out their PSLE Achievement Sheets covering essential solving strategies and shortcuts.

+ How our students continued to work on problem sums independently and tracked their progress – with minimal help from their parents.

Concepts, Processes and Skillsets (CPS)
“Why is my child still struggling in math and unable to comprehend and apply what is being taught… even though I’m already sending them for tuition?”

In my 10+ years as an educator specializing in Primary School Math Problem Sums, I’ve learned one important thing:
There is a HUGE gap in the way students are learning Math right now!
If you can spare the next 5 minutes to continue reading, I’ll be sharing the exact reason why most students still score poorly on Math exams, even though they study hard. I will also provide you with the EXACT solution you and your child can immediately use to boost grades and be 110% PREPARED for the PSLE exams!
If you want your child to catch up or even gain a significant head start over others in the race to PSLE, I’d like you and your child to attend my LOB CPS Course!
Here’s what I’ll be sharing:

For P6:
- Over 10 must-know problem sum concepts like Same Difference and Remainder.
- Challenging topics that involve Percentages, Ratios, and Fractions.
- Complex math questions that are hard to visualize, testing your understanding of Type 2 Problem Sums Types, and many more that are crucial for your child’s PSLE.
- The “CPS” Model Used By Hundreds Of Our Students to Score a Higher AL for Any Math Exam – Concepts, Processes, Skillsets. By tapping into these three pillars that govern the entire learning process from start to end, your child will discover a brand-new way to learn – in the most suitable way designed to ace any Math exam!
3 “Problem Sum Secrets” to Instantly Boost Your Child’s Grades
With the “CPS” Model, I’ll be teaching your child 3 powerful “secret techniques” for tackling problem sums. These techniques will not only help them answer problem sums more clearly but also enable them to IMMEDIATELY boost their results by as much as 2-3 grades!
THE “3QAD” TECHNIQUE – A simple yet highly effective learning strategy that empowers your child to improve and tackle even the most challenging math questions independently, reducing their reliance on your constant guidance. This not only saves you time as a parent but also equips your child to become a self-directed learner!
The “KCNSU Instant Problem Sums Simplifier” Tactic – An easy-to-apply tactic that your child can immediately use at home to solve problem sums at least 50% faster than usual! This RAPIDLY accelerates your child’s learning curve and enables them to catch up to their higher-scoring peers in a matter of weeks!
Plus, many more math learning tips, techniques, and strategies that your child can apply RIGHT AFTER the workshop… (because every CPS workshop is unique.)
CPS Course by ‘Learning Out Of The Box’
Coach John is not your typical tuition teacher – he’s truly a coach inside out.
Not only does he share strategies on Maths, he’s more concern about the child’s mindset.
Not only did my son improve on his understanding of the maths concept, he scored an A* (AL1) in his recent prelims!
As a parent, the greatest reward is seeing him having confidence and belief in himself, the result is the icing to the cake.
In the past, she could go blank during exam and even have nausea. I am so worried for her.
She has attended lessons at LOB since mid-February. My girl said that she has learned and understood the Maths concepts taught in LOB. She has scored A* (AL1) for Maths in PSLE.
Thanks to the great guidance given by the coaches at LOB.
Thank you very much for your coaching and hope she will improve more for her coming PSLE Math.
My name is John Yeo, and I’m the Founder and Chief Math Coach of Learning Out of the Box, a Primary Math Education Centre specializing in training primary school students in the art of solving problem sums effectively.
Before this, I was a social worker, and I worked with hundreds of children and their parents for 7 years.
During my 7 years in social work, I learned one powerful lesson about children:
Every child is unique.
I know this may sound cliché, and you’ve probably heard it many times before, but it’s essential. It’s true, and most importantly, it affects the way your child learns!
Now, if you’ve read to this point, it probably means:
- Your child has been struggling with Math exams.
- You’re concerned that unless you take action quickly, your child will perform poorly on the PSLE Math.
So at this juncture, let me ask you:

Co-trainer – Coach Willy
“Coach Willy is one of the most caring and patient coaches I’ve ever seen.
My child doesn’t like maths. But after 1 lesson, he did it by himself and wanted to do more.
Thank you, Coach Willy.“
Has your child ever told you that he/she does not understand what is being taught?

Let me guess – it has probably happened more than once.
And perhaps your immediate thought was that your child isn’t studying hard enough or not paying attention, making excuses.
Well, that may be the surface-level symptom for many students.
But there is a deeper, root issue at hand.
And it does NOT involve your child slacking off or that your child isn’t “smart” enough to understand the teachers.
No. In fact, the MOST LIKELY reason your child is facing issues is due to one simple truth:
Your child’s learning nature, preferences and abilities are NOT suitable with the way the teachers teach.
Every child is unique.
This means each and every child has a unique way of learning. Absorbing information. And applying that information and knowledge accurately during the exams!
So what does this mean?
Does this mean your child’s teachers are not doing their jobs properly?
Does this mean the tuition centre you’re paying expensive fees for is incapable of helping your child do well in school?
Nope. That’s not true either. But in most school and tuition class settings, where a single teacher has to simultaneously educate 30-40 students in one class… that simply isn’t practical.
In fact, most of the time it’s impossible for students to do well in such a chaotic environment!
So what do students have to do?
They have to adapt THEIR learning nature to the way their schools and tuition centres teach them!

This is the REAL reason most students don’t perform at their very best.
Even though they’ve studied hard. Even though they’ve put in the effort. Even though they worked hard. Day in, day out… Doing their homework… Revising and revising and revising…
It won’t be enough.
And no matter how much they do, it’s still not enough.

But today, I’m not here just to share this bad news with you. I’m not here to tell you that your child is doomed to do badly for PSLE Math.
Because that is NOT the case. With the right environment, nurturing and specialised attention…
There’s in fact a HIGH possibility for your child to succeed and get the AL Grade you want for the MOST IMPORTANT exam (especially if you start preparation now)!
That’s why I want to introduce you to this solution. It’s a solution I’ve come up with to address the VERY issue that over thousands and thousands of primary school students face.
And the solution is this:
In order for your child to reach maximum potential in school, the solution is to be educated in a manner SUITABLE to his or her learning nature!
Now of course, this is easier said than done.
In a typical school setting, getting teachers to cater their teaching style to each and every student is impractical. Ineffective. Impossible. And it’s not the teachers’ fault; there just won’t be enough time to do that.
But there’s a solution, and here is it:
My “CPS” Model specially created to educate students using the kind of customised learning style they’re most suitable with!
And this model focuses on just ONE key area in your child’s Math exams – an important area that can AND will determine what PSLE Math grade your child gets: PROBLEM SUMS!
In my LOB CPS Course, here are some of the things I’ll be offering to your child:
1. Over 10 must-know problem sums concepts like Same Difference and Remainder.
Hard to visualise math questions testing your child and many more.
2. The “CPS” Model Used By Hundreds Of Our Students To Score A Better AL Grade For Any Math Exam – Concepts, Processes, Skillsets.
By tapping into these 3 pillars that govern the entire learning process from start to end, your child will discover a brand-new way to learn – in the most suitable way designed to ace any Math exam!
3. 3 "Problem Sum Secrets" To Instantly Boost Your Child's Grades
4. The "3QAD" Technique
5. The “KCNSU Instant Problem Sums Simplifier” Tactic
My girl told me she improved by over 42 marks. She was scoring 38 for her P5 SA2.
Within 3 months of your coaching, my girl’s attitude towards Math has improved so much. In the past she used to feel confused and didn’t have much confidence.
Now she can do those tough questions, she feels more confident about herself and her work and she even shared what you taught her with her class in school. Thanks a lot for bringing confidence back to my girl.
Ian got an A (AL3) for his Maths :)))
He was a little disappointed but honestly, he wouldn’t have been able to even have smelled an A (AL3) without your help. Your type of teaching was what he needed to pull up his marks in those short 3 months.
I am very happy & proud of his effort he put in & the confidence he showed when he was under your care.
He is doing well now & is very happy here.
Thanks so much!!
Anisah scored 233 for her PSLE and got an A (AL3) for her Prelim and B (AL4) for PSLE Math.
Before joining Learning Out of the Box (LOB), she has always been ok with her studies, but what I can see her difference after joining LOB is that she is able to tackle tougher word problems.
Before this, she was not really able to tackle tough problem sums.
You and your child will get access to all these powerful strategies at the course for a highly reasonable price of $697.
What does this mean?
It means that for $697, your child will NEVER see Maths the same way ever again! By the time your child completes the course, Math will be fun, easy to learn, and easy to excel in!
It means that for $697, your child will be equipped with the Concepts, Processes and Skillsets (CPS) to score well for PSLE Math! And more importantly, gain an advantage over other P6 students.
It means that for $697, you will have the peace of mind in knowing that Maths will come as a BREEZE to your child, even if the past exam results say otherwise! You will never have to nag, scold or continuously force your child to study Maths.
Because I won’t just be teaching your child how to succeed in the subject:
I’ll be helping your child fall in love with it. I’ll be transforming his/her mindset towards Maths!
NEVER will your child have to place the outcome of Maths results in the hands of someone else. Instead, your child will be empowered to aim for the top, and work hard and smart to get that “A” grade for PSLE Math.
All that for $697? Pretty worth it, right?
Let me make it even better for you. For the first 10 parents who register their children, you’ll get:
Super Early Bird Promo (Only for the next 10 students) –
For P6 (2025) – Only $597 (You Save $100)! *Early bird price.
That’s why I want to make this even better for you. Hence, the super early bird promo.
Don’t make the common mistake of thinking “There’s still a few more months to go! Why start so early?”
Many parents before you made that grade-crushing mistake. And their children paid the price.
Start early, get a headstart. Get more certainty. Get more prepared than others.
Start late, and you’ll leave it to fate. Don’t “roll the dice” with your child’s grades. You’ll most likely lose.
The choice is obvious. So what are you waiting for?
Final Note
I’m a parent just like you. I have 3 lovely daughters. And I can say with 100% certainty that I am FULLY dedicated towards their success, both in life and studies.
And I believe that you too care deeply about your child’s future, and a good grade for PSLE will play a big part in determining how that future plays out.
So let’s not wait any longer. Time is running out. Just a few short months. And before you know it, your child’s PSLE will be here.
The “do or die moment”. The “swim or sink” scenario. The “fight or flight” decision. It’s coming. Real soon.
That’s why while time is still on your side (just barely)…
Time to change things. Make it happen. Give your child the best chance for a better AL grade.
Sign up for the LOB online CPS Course today, and take the very first step towards PSLE success… today!
To your child’s academic excellence,
John Yeo
Founder, Chief Maths Coach
Learning Out Of The Box Team

P.S. Due to popular, overwhelming demand from many other parents to significantly improve their child’s Maths grades, seats to the workshop are being taken up fast!
As of now, just 10 Super Early Bird Promo seats remain at our workshop. So if you don’t want your child to lose out to others, sign up now before they’re all gone!
Terms and Conditions:
- I have confirmed my child’s commitments and schedule before enrolling in this online program.
- The payment I have made is for the course I have registered for.
- I understand that this is an online course, and there is no limit to the number of students in a class.
- Fees paid are STRICTLY NON-REFUNDABLE or NON-TRANSFERABLE to other LOB courses, dates, attendees, books, or online memberships under any circumstances.
- To ensure that my child fully benefits from this workshop, I acknowledge the importance of their full attendance and commitment. If my child is unable to attend any day(s) of the workshop, I understand that the fees for the unattended lessons are non-refundable.
- In the event of a missed lesson, no refund will be provided, and the absence cannot be used to offset any payment. This policy is in place to maintain fairness among all students.
- There will be no makeup sessions to replace missed lessons.
- No workshop documents, worksheets, answers, or support will be provided for missed workshops or lessons.
- All Learning Out of the Box online and offline courses/workshops are non-exchangeable, and all fees paid are non-refundable under any circumstances.