Supporting our kids in maths takes more than just solving those dreaded questions.
It takes away more than just that.

It takes away…


❤️our time we can set aside to rest and recharge because almost everyday is super tiring.


❤️our energy we can keep to spend with their siblings or our love ones because everyone wants a bit of us.


❤️our focus we can have on our job and our team members because working is so demanding.


❤️our sanity we can protect to keep the family happy and harmonious because caring for others also takes a toll on our mental health


❤️our life force we can use to hold the family together because we only have one family.

It is…


Or even

Excruciating at times


(Tipping us off balance on multiple times)
But as parents who teach our kids,

We continue to do so


To battle on
To push on

To fight on


Because we
Know being there with them
Is a lifelong