Copy my maths exam revision plan if it helps you.
Every child is unique.
Different pattern.
– one part of other school exam papers (split into 3 days)
I’m lucky to say my eldest girl is very independent. So all I need is to mark out the questions in our problem sums and direct questions guidebooks.
She will do and mark by herself.
If she is unsure, she will attempt to understand the given solutions and write in green.
On weekends, I will spend 2 hours with her to clear her doubts.
So on Monday, we will just go through her school math homework (only she asks for help)
On Tuesday, I will mark out 3 short questions from our 101 direct questions guidebook to build up her confidence. Then we will end off playing a board game of her choice or a snack break of her choice. (Or she can go talk to her plants. She loves gardening.)
I would just fold the pages and leave them at her study desk. She knows she has to get them done before her playtime.
The focus of my strategy is to encourage independent learning.
It is not easy but it can be done.
One of the Big Whys I do this is we parents do not have enough time.
And the earlier our kids can be self-directed, the better. And it is easier to start training them in primary school.
I hope this sharing you.
If you would like to hear more from me on how I coach my daughters, do post “more from john” below.