Everyday I am feeling torn. Pulled in multiple directions.

On top of that, I wonder if I’m a good father.

A few parents asked me what happened to the Facebook group. “Why so quiet?”

At the start of this year, I promised to spend more time with my kids.

On top of not liking math, my middle child is facing some school anxiety.

So I bought these flowers and plants as she is more interested in science.

The good news is her form teacher texted us that she was really excited today telling him about her gifts.

Many times I wonder, “Do I want to be known as a good teacher or father?”

I took a long time to reflect.

“If my kids told me I’m a good teacher, I would have failed. If they told me I am a good father, I would have succeed.”

It is definitely not easy to continue to engage my parents in my fb group as a good teacher.

If I am to help more parents, it should not just with words. It should not just be pasting questions and getting solutions.

It should be with actions as a parent.

My actions.

To all parents who are struggling to teach your kids math at home, I can feel you.

I’m struggling too. Doing my best as a father to attend to my kids’ needs.

(Both academic and emotional)

To understand what they like.

To really know what they want.

To be known as a good father, rather than as a good teacher in the family.

How have you been?

Love to hear what works for you when you can better engage your kid💕


Remember you are not alone❤️