I have a confession to make.
I did shout at my middle child again.

That happened 6 months ago.
From stamping of her feet to rolling of her eyes, you name it I have faced it.
It happened again and again especially just before doing maths.
Fast forward 6 months later,
I stop shouting at her.
I spend time doing what she likes.
I explain maths to her using cooking and baking stories.
It was never easy.
But I am willing to do it because she’s my kid.
I only have one middle child – that’s her

Yesterday a friend witnessed this.
I said, “Go do your math first.”
Instantly, she picked her book up, worked on it and finished within 30 mins.
Totally unsupervised.
The bonus – all correct.
And still, math is not really her thing. Science is

I am grateful that my middle child changed…simply because I change first.
6 months is all it takes.
Sounds long?
Remember we are their parents – forever.
Will this still work tomorrow or on the next day?
I don’t know.
But no more rolling of her eyes and stamping of her feet.
For now.

Self Study