You’ve already heard the news. Our PM has ordered some circuit breaker guidance to help us curb the COVID-19 issues that we are all facing.
This means that we will all be moving towards Home Based Learning for the next one month or so.
How do you, as a parent, handle this new regulation, and how do you survive through it?
It’s not easy having kids in the house the whole day. You may also be working from home, and taking care of your household duties at the same time.
Now you have to become a teacher too. More than before.
It’s not a holiday for you, and not a holiday for your child!
Your child is around you all the time. Asking “Mama, help me!” or “Daddy, help me!”
How do it juggle it all without going crazy? š
Our center may be closed, but we’re still here to help.
We’ve created a helpful guide video to make sure we all get through this together!
Some of the tips we want to highlight include:
Before HBL class starts:
- Get good internet. Try to connect to 5G internet – check with your local provider
- Place your laptop as close to the router as possible
- Fix the study area. Create your own “classroom desk” at home
- Prepare your pencil case and textbooks the night before
- Prepare a list of websites and passwords so you can access the HBL items immediately
- Wake up at least 30 minutes before start of lessons
- Change your clothes – get out of your pyjamas š – set the mood to learn
- Parents can do a pre-revision first to understand what your child is learning
During class:
- Take a break in between classes – do what works for both you and your child
- Keep calm. Do some breathing exercises in between classes to keep emotions in check
After class:
- Use chat features – talk to your support group to discuss questions that you have
- Talk to your child. Ask them what worked for them and what didn’t. Identify knowledge gaps
Watch the video below to see our full guide.
When your child has a problem with their school work, the first person they will look for now is you. Set aside some time to focus and support your child. Create a schedule wherever you can between your spouse and your child.
This is a good time to bond with our children, too! Understand what areas your child is weak in, and where his or her strengths are. If a weak subject, give them more time. You and your partner can focus on different subjects, too. If your child is strong with some subject, let them do self-learning.
Let’s give them some attention so they can carry on with their work with more focus and results.
Need guidebooks to help you through these trying times?
Click the link hereĀ or the button below for a list of books organised by your childās primary level:
We are only human. We are not perfect. But we’re in this together, and we will get through this long stretch to another.
Be kind to yourself and everyone around you.
Take care and stay safe, parents!