Here are our new volumes for – “101 Must-Know Direct Questions for Parents – PRF (Volume 5 & Volume 6)” bundle.
That can help your child to spot topical short questions and problem sums on 3 of the most challenging topics for second semesters of P5/6 – Percentages, Ratio and Fractions.
Why do we create this?
To help more P5/6 students have a competitive advantage over others, these 2 books are specially designed to help them in the second semester of P5/6..
Using the last 2 months, our math team has worked really very hard going through more top school papers and guess what we discovered.
We discovered THIS!
We discovered a pattern.
We identified three topics that P5 & P6 children find challenging: Percentage, Ratio, Fraction.
Here’s how your child can use these 2 PRF books to study math in a smarter way…
Here are books specifically for Semester 2 exams of P5/6.
We have grouped the questions up based on P5 CA2, P5 SA2, P6 CA2 and P6 Prelim.
101 Must-Know PRF Questions Vol 5
101 Must-Know PRF Questions Vol 6
How can you get hold of these 2 books?
If you know your child can start benefiting by learning math in a more effective way, you can order these math resource books from us.
Usual price is $32 per book! Now you get it at an instant 5% off. (Only for a limited time)
All you need to do now is click on the “Add to Cart” button below to Order today so you can get a better deal.